
A Digitized List of the Principal Parts of Sanskrit Verbs

Grant Details
Amount: 2107.00
Project Start Date: 06/01/02
Status: Completed (Currently Active)
Project Type:
Campus Based
Languages: Sanskrit
Project Level:
Project Skills:
Institutions Involved:
Brown University
Primary Contact:
Peter Scharf (
Classics, Box 1856
Brown University
Providence , RI 02912
Phone: (401) 863-2720

The project will produce a comprehensive, digitized list of the principal parts of Sanskrit verbs, based on William Dwight Whitney's handbook, The Roots, Verb Forms and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language. This digitized list will be entered into a database and utilized for first-year Sanskrit students, for posting on the Sanskrit Library web site, and eventually for use in creating a Sanskrit parser.


A Web Site for Russian Resources

Grant Details
Amount: 2300.00
Project Start Date: 11/15/01
Status: Completed (Currently Active)
Project Type:
Campus Based
Languages: Russian
Project Level:
All - All Levels
Project Skills:
All - Addresses all language skills
Institutions Involved:
Brown University
Primary Contact:
Lynn DeBenedette (
Department of Slavic Languages, Box E
Brown University
Providence , RI 02912
Phone: (401) 863-7572

The project will create a separate web site for instructors and students linked to the Dept. of Slavic Languages web site. This site will contain a variety of instructional resources appropriate to several course levels. Funding will enable design of the site, entry of texts and graphics and purchase of copyright permissions.


Developing Technology Applications in Language Teaching

Grant Details
Amount: 2225.00
Project Start Date: 11/15/01
Status: Archived
Project Type:
Campus Based
Languages: Applies to all languages
Project Level:
All - All Levels
Project Skills:
All - Addresses all language skills
Institutions Involved:
Brown University
Primary Contact:
Merle Krueger (
Center for Language Studies, Box E
Brown University
Providence , RI 02912
Phone: (401) 863-2589

What does it take to manage projects in the application of technology to language teaching? A symposium at Brown University will address the various aspects of this question. Presentations will demonstrate three innovative projects using digitial technology in language instruction. The symposium will conclude with a group discussion of the issues raised.


Sanskrit Educational Software: Integrating linguistic programs into automated Sanskrit translation exercises

Grant Details
Amount: 3000.00
Project Start Date: 01/01/05
Status: Completed (Currently Active)
Project Type:
Campus Based
Languages: Sanskrit
Project Level:
Project Skills:
Institutions Involved:
Brown University
Primary Contact:
Peter Scharf (
Classics, Box 1856
Brown University
Providence , RI 02912
Phone: (401) 863-2720
Secondary Contact:
Malcolm Hyman

The currently proposed project will allow the integration of certain linguistic programs with educational software currently being developed by the author in conjunction with the Scholarly Technology Group at Brown (STG) under a grant from Brown's Computing and Information Services. The educational software utilizes unprecedented mechanisms for immediate feedback on exercises using Sanskrit linguistic software developed by Scharf and Hyman. It applies lexically based phonological and morphological software to student analyses of sentences in Sanskrit-English translation exercises to confirm correct steps and flag errors in sandhi analysis, inflectional identification, vocabulary, and syntax. Malcolm Hyman will be engaged to write a framework to convert a set of sandhi rules written in a modified regular expression syntax to Perl executable code.


"Making Technology Work": A Collaborative Process and Design Workshop for Language, Culture, and Literature Instruction

Grant Details
Amount: 6000.00
Project Start Date: 03/01/04
Status: Completed (Currently Active)
Project Type:
Campus Based
Languages: Applies to some languages
Project Level:
All - All Levels
Project Skills:
All - Addresses all language skills
Institutions Involved:
Brown University
Primary Contact:
Andrew Ross (
Language Resource Center, Box 1953
Brown University
Providence , RI 02912
Phone: (401) 863-7010 (Office)

The Language Resource Center, the Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, the Instructional Technology Group of CIS, and the Center for Language Studies will organize a workshop and follow-up activities aimed at planning and implementing technological solutions to specific problems in the teaching of languages, cultures, and literatures. Participating teams, each consisting of one graduate student and one faculty member, will meet for three days in early June, with a follow-up meeting in late August, and an evaluation module in December.